Calling the Cops

An EdSource investigation into policing in California schools


From entire sample of counties, school districts and schools in the database.

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Incidents reported
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Police Departments
school icon

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School Districts
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Police call logs are from a sampling of schools representing California for the period Jan. 1 to June 30, 2023. The database does not include all schools or districts.

Incident Breakdown

Incident Logs

displaying 41651 - 41675 records in total 45965


Welfare CheckSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

WELCK Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

2/10/23 at 5:26:00 PM

UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

1091MC Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

2/11/23 at 6:13:00 PM

UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

PUBS VC Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

2/14/23 at 12:26:00 PM


Welfare CheckSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

WELCK Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

2/15/23 at 12:11:00 PM

Serious Non-Violent

Breaking and EnteringSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

1062 Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

2/15/23 at 1:03:00 PM

UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

TRF Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

2/16/23 at 7:50:00 AM

UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

T Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

2/16/23 at 8:26:00 AM

UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

TRF Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

2/17/23 at 8:27:00 AM


Welfare CheckSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

WELCK Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

2/28/23 at 12:26:00 PM


Medical - UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

UNKMED Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

2/28/23 at 12:27:00 PM

Serious Non-Violent

Breaking and EnteringSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

1062 Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

3/7/23 at 4:03:00 PM

Serious Non-Violent

Breaking and EnteringSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

1062 Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

3/8/23 at 10:59:00 AM

911 - UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

911C Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

3/16/23 at 12:12:00 PM

UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

SE Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

3/17/23 at 10:00:00 AM

UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

FO Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

3/24/23 at 3:09:00 PM

UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

SE Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

3/27/23 at 12:00:00 PM

Patrol / School CheckSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

PC Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

4/10/23 at 11:26:00 AM

911 - UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

911C Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

4/13/23 at 6:38:00 PM

UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

10338 Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

4/15/23 at 7:47:00 PM

UnknownSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

TRF Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

4/24/23 at 8:14:00 AM


Suspicious PersonSunnyvale Middle School

Sunnyvale School District, Santa Clara County

1066 Reported to Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety

4/26/23 at 11:13:00 PM


Alarm - UnknownSanta Cruz High School

Santa Cruz City High School District, Santa Cruz County

ALARM- Reported to Santa Cruz Police Department

1/18/23 at 1:40:39 AM

Incident details:


Follow UpSanta Cruz High School

Santa Cruz City High School District, Santa Cruz County

FOLLOW UP Reported to Santa Cruz Police Department

1/19/23 at 9:29:03 AM

Incident details:

Serious Violent

Criminal / Terrorist Threat - Unknown / OtherSanta Cruz High School

Santa Cruz City High School District, Santa Cruz County

THREATS Reported to Santa Cruz Police Department

1/24/23 at 10:54:30 AM

Incident details:

Serious Violent

Harassment / ThreatsSanta Cruz High School

Santa Cruz City High School District, Santa Cruz County

HARASSMENT Reported to Santa Cruz Police Department

1/25/23 at 3:09:37 PM

Incident details:
