Calling the Cops

An EdSource investigation into policing in California schools


Penal codes

Our database displays the verbatim dispatch text from thousands of police call logs. Police departments often use penal codes to describe the nature of the incident. You can find an authoritative reference to, and search for, California penal codes at the California Legislature's website.


The police call logs in this database have already been redacted by the agencies that recorded the incident information. Those changes include the word redacted, typically marked as [REDACTED]. In addition, EdSource has edited select records to protect the privacy of those involved in alleged crimes. These edits are marked by [EDIT].

Serious and / or violent incidents

After consulting police experts, EdSource developed a definition for serious incidents as those that reasonably required a police presence. Included among serious incidents are those tagged as violent which included anything involving a violent act, including on oneself.