Calling the Cops

An EdSource investigation into policing in California schools

School information

School demographics
Percentage of students eligible for free and reduced price meals (FRPM)
School suspension rate and state average (%)

Data source: California Department of Education; Year 2022-23

Incident Breakdown

Incident Logs

displaying 1 - 1 records in total 1

Serious Violent

Weapon - Other — Grandview, College Preparatory Academy School

Hacienda la Puente Unified School District, Los Angeles County

22810(d) P.C. Tear Gas Weapon / F   Reported to Hacienda La Puente Unified Police Department


Incident details:

I contacted victim (DOB: 01/12/10) who stated that on 03/03/23, she was having a verbal and social media altercation via lnstagram with (a student and one time friend at Grandview Middle School) because she heard that a female student was insulting a friend's mother. [redacted] stated that she approached and told her to stay out of the verbal altercation. [redacted] stated that she challenged to a fight however did not know where the fight was going to take place. [redacted] stated that wanted to fight her off campus However wanted to fight on campus as instructed by her father stated that on 03/06/23 at approximately 0800 hours, when she arrived to school, she saw sitting on a bench adjacent to the entrance gate. [redacted] stated that she knew at that moment that she was going to engage in a physical altercation stated that as she walked pass she saw her, stand up and saw her stated that she immediately grabbed by her hair and threw her on the stated that she then began to strike her several times on her head with approaching her. ground and mount her. and face. stated that she heard someone tell her to get off her and stop hitting her. state that she then heard a spraying sound and felt her eyes burning (assuming that someone pepper sprayed her). stated that even after she felt the burning sensation in her eyes she continued to hit --on her face and head. stated that she then felt someone grab her and get her off stated that she did not see who sprayed her however received information that older sister~as the one who pepper sprayed her on the face. father lllllstated the he wants his daughter to, "press charges" against the person who pepper sprayed his daughter and instructed his daughter to file a private citizen's arrest. stated that she is desirous of prosecution and wants arrested for pepper sprayingher. (Seeattachedprivateperson'sarrestform) I contacted who stated that she was having a verbal and social media altercation via lnstagram with (a student and one time friend at Grandview Middle School) because had heard that a female student was insulting a friend's mother. stated that she was approached-- and told her to stay out of the verbal altercation. stated that challenged her to fight on campus.-stated that she did not want to fight on campus so told to fight off campus. ••tstated that on 03/03/23, while she was sitting on a bench near the entrance of the school, she saw walking inside and decided to approach her. stated that grabbed her and threw her to the ground and began to punch her on her face. stated that she remembers someone grabb:,,g j off her how ever did not see her sister use any pepper spray on I was able to locate and contacted ( 341 La Seda Rd. in the city of La Puente. I contacted school administrator and who was inside the administration office. stated that prior to my arrival gave her teacher a black in color pepper spray for safe keeping. stated that she had the pepper spray in her office and was going to give it to me as evidence. I read Ila her Miranda rights per 625 W.LC. using my department issued (sh-ad-477) card. She stated that she understood her rights and was desirous to speak with me about the incident stated that she knew that her younger sister was having issues with a student at Grandview Middle School named and had a feeling that she was going to fight on Monday (03/03/23). stated that when her older sister dropped off at school, she saw that got thrown to the ground and engaged in a fight-l!lstated that she saw her younger sister laying on the ground while •niisat on her and was punching her several times on her face. at Santana High School located at -·-• telling her to get off her. stated that she told her to get ted that when she saw that lllllllllt did not stop, she took out on her head in order to prevent her sister from getting injured stated that she yelled at off her approximately 6 times. her pepper spray and sprayed any further. I showed the Pepper SRrayshe gave her teacher to hold and asked her if that was the same pepper spray she used to spray Ill . She stated that it was. (Evidence# 23-334) Per Statement of Private Person's Arrest, I issued a citation (# 012616) for Penal Code Section Violation 22810(d) Tear Gas Weapon. I issued her mother a citation (#012617) under W.LC. 660.5 (e) parent must appear with juvenile in court I am forwarding this report to the Los Angeles County district attorney's office for review and filing.