Substances incidents
From all counties, school districts and schools in the database.
Police call logs are from a sampling of schools representing California for the period Jan. 1 to June 30, 2023. The database does not include all schools or districts.
Incident Breakdown by Subcategory of Substances
Incident Logs
Under the Influence — Eureka Senior High School
Eureka City Schools School District, Humboldt County
647F - REPORT TAKEN Reported to Eureka Police Department
2/7/23 at 4:23:13 PM
Incident details:
Paraphanalia — Eureka Senior High School
Eureka City Schools School District, Humboldt County
CITIZEN - CAD DOCUMENTATION Reported to Eureka Police Department
2/9/23 at 11:42:12 AM
Incident details:
Drugs - Unknown — Eureka Senior High School
Eureka City Schools School District, Humboldt County
HS - NO REPORT Reported to Eureka Police Department
2/27/23 at 8:52:09 AM
Drugs - Unknown — Eureka Senior High School
Eureka City Schools School District, Humboldt County
601 - GONE ON ARRIVAL Reported to Eureka Police Department
3/2/23 at 2:02:58 PM
Incident details:
Drugs - Unknown — Eureka Senior High School
Eureka City Schools School District, Humboldt County
HS - REPORT TAKEN Reported to Eureka Police Department
3/8/23 at 9:11:52 AM
Incident details:
Drugs - Unknown — Eureka Senior High School
Eureka City Schools School District, Humboldt County
HS - NO REPORT Reported to Eureka Police Department
4/5/23 at 1:08:41 PM
Vape - Marijuana — Holtville High School
Holtville Unified School District, Imperial County
JUVO Reported to Imperial County Sheriff
2/10/23 at 12:52:03 PM
Incident details:
Drugs - Unknown — Cesar E. Chavez High School
Delano Joint Union High School District, Kern County
HS - Citation Issued Reported to Delano Police Department
Drugs - Unknown — Cesar E. Chavez High School
Delano Joint Union High School District, Kern County
HS - Log Note Only Reported to Delano Police Department
Drugs - Unknown — Cesar E. Chavez High School
Delano Joint Union High School District, Kern County
HS - Completed Reported to Delano Police Department
Drugs - Unknown — Cesar E. Chavez High School
Delano Joint Union High School District, Kern County
HS - Completed Reported to Delano Police Department
Drugs - Unknown — Robert F. Kennedy High School
Delano Joint Union High School District, Kern County
HS - Report Taken Reported to Delano Police Department
Drugs - Unknown — Robert F. Kennedy High School
Delano Joint Union High School District, Kern County
HS - Completed Reported to Delano Police Department
Drugs - Unknown — Arvin High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
H/S - DRUGS/NARCOTICS VIOLATION Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
2/8/23 at 8:39:30 PM
Incident details:
Drugs - Unknown — Arvin High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
911 - 911 CALL Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
3/3/23 at 3:26:43 PM
Incident details:
Medical - Overdose — Arvin High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
AOD - ASSIST OTHER DEPARTMENT Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
3/17/23 at 12:23:32 PM
Incident details:
Under the Influence — Arvin High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
647 F - DRUNK AND DISORDERLY/PUBLIC INTOXICATION Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
4/18/23 at 10:51:46 AM
Incident details:
Drugs - Unknown — Arvin High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
10/6 - 10/6 ON SUBJECT Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
4/20/23 at 12:33:53 PM
Incident details:
Drugs - Unknown — Arvin High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
10/39 - STOP DATE INFO Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
4/20/23 at 1:17:08 PM
Incident details:
Alcohol — Arvin High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
BP25662A - MINOR IN POSSESSION OF ALCOHOL Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
5/24/23 at 9:59:00 AM
Incident details:
Drugs - Unknown — Bakersfield High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
11350 HS - H/S VIOLATION Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
2/17/23 at 2:57:03 PM
Incident details:
Drugs - Unknown — Bakersfield High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
H/S - DRUGS/NARCOTICS VIOLATION Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
3/22/23 at 2:00:16 PM
Incident details:
Medical - Overdose — Bakersfield High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
AOD - ASSIST OTHER DEPARTMENT Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
3/30/23 at 2:16:03 PM
Incident details:
Drugs - Unknown — Bakersfield High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
H/S - DRUGS/NARCOTICS VIOLATION Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
4/27/23 at 12:29:47 PM
Incident details:
Drugs - Unknown — Bakersfield High School
Kern High School District, Kern County
H/S - DRUGS/NARCOTICS VIOLATION Reported to Kern High School District Police Department
5/4/23 at 1:30:11 PM
Incident details: