Calling the Cops

An EdSource investigation into policing in California schools

Wedgeworth Elementary School

Hacienda la Puente Unified School District, Los Angeles County

16949 Wedgeworth Dr., Hacienda Heights, CA
incident icon

Incidents reported
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Police Departments
(Hacienda La Puente Unified Police Department)
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Police call logs are from a sampling of schools representing California for the period Jan. 1 to June 30, 2023. The database does not include all schools or districts.

School information

School demographics
Percentage of students eligible for free and reduced price meals (FRPM)
School suspension rate and state average (%)

Data source: California Department of Education; Year 2022-23

Incident Breakdown

Incident Logs

displaying 1 - 1 records in total 1

Serious Non-Violent

Burglary — Wedgeworth Elementary School

Hacienda la Puente Unified School District, Los Angeles County

459 PC / Felony / Burglary   Reported to Hacienda La Puente Unified Police Department


Incident details:

On March 20, 2023 at about 1200 hours, I responded to Wedgeworth Elementary in regards to a burglary report. I met with RP who identified himself as a supervisor for [redacted]. He said that his company was stationed at the location as they are remodeling the school. RP said on Friday 03-17-23 he left the location at about 1600 hours and when he arrived to work on today's date at about 0800 hours, he noticed that two portables that are to the rear of the property were broken into. He said the portables are currently used as their primary office during the construction built. RP said that the doors to the portables were secured prior to leaving for the day on Friday and that the portables are not monitored by a security company and that a surveillance system was not available. RP said he conducted an inventory to the missing items prior to my arrival. See stolen property list for items reported missing. I checked the first portable and noticed that a window security metal bar was removed and that it was on the ground bellow the window. I entered the portable and noticed that the interior was ransacked. Several paper work was on the floor and the doors to the desks/file cabinets were standing wide open. After clearing the first portable, I checked the second portable and noticed that the entry door security bar was removed and that the bar was on the ground about 5 feet away from the door. I checked the portable and noticed that the interior was ransacked. Several paperwork was on the floor and the doors to the desks/file cabinets were standing wide open. A search of the area was conducted in attempt to locate any suspect(s) or witnesses and it met with negative results. This report is for documentation purposes only as no workable information was attained at the time report was taken. I attached photos taken from the scene to this report.